Average Temperatures in Vietnam ☀️

Northern Vietnam
4 min readApr 20, 2018


Before you come to Vietnam, plan carefully, when and where you come.

Vietnam is in the Southeast Asia, but temperatures can be different in the various parts and regions of Vietnam, but also during the year. Vietnam is located in both a tropical and a temperate zone but temperatures are still very high mainly in the summer months. Before you come to Vietnam, plan carefully in which month you want to visit this country, what you want to do there and where you will stay.

The warmest months in Vietnam - June > September (25–37 °C)
The coldest months in Vietnam - December > February (10–20 °C)

But you should know, these temperatures can change from day to day, mainly in the mountains areas, especially in northern Vietnam. It is also important to know, the winter months ary dry months with less rainy days and the summer months are the monsoon season with more rainbows.
Check out the statistics during the year below. (data provided by WorldWeatherOnline.com)

1. Northern Vietnam — average temperatures:

Sapa (average temperature 15–20 °C)

Ha Giang (average temperature 15–22 °C)

Hanoi (average temperature 24 °C)

Cao Bang (average temperature 23 °C)

Dien Bien Phu (average temperature 23 °C)

Ha Long (average temperature 24 °C)

Lang Son (average temperature 22 °C)

Mai Chau (average temperature 23 °C)

Moc Chau (average temperature 20 °C)

Ninh Binh (average temperature 24 °C)

Yen Bai (average temperature 23 °C)

2. Central Vietnam — average temperatures:

Dong Hoi (average temperature 24 °C)

Hue (average temperature 26 °C)

Da Nang (average temperature 26 °C)

Buon Ma Thuot (average temperature 24 °C)

Pleiku (average temperature 22 °C)

Quy Nhon (average temperature 27 °C)

3. Southern Vietnam — average temperatures:

Nha Trang (average temperature 27 °C)

Da Lat (average temperature 19 °C)

Ho Chi Minh City (average temperature 27–28 °C)

Mui Ne (average temperature 26 °C)

Vung Tau (average temperature 27 °C)

Phu Quoc (average temperature 28 °C)

Can Tho (average temperature 27 °C)

Ca Mau (average temperature 27 °C)



Northern Vietnam
Northern Vietnam

Written by Northern Vietnam

Traveling and interesting places, homestay, trekking, photos from northern Vietnam…🇬🇧 > https://north-vietnam.com/ and 🇨🇿 > https://severni-vietnam.cz

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